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Country Presentations Bites of Food to Share Cultural Performances

2025 Multicultural Night

A celebration of diversity and inclusion! 

Saturday, April 05, 2025

5:00 - 8:00pm

Sign up here for performances, bites of food, country posters plus volunteering.

Event registration is NOW OPEN!

*Discovery teachers and staff do not need to register! We welcome you to attend at anytime.*

VOLUNTEER: This event is 100 % volunteer powered - and cannot happen without sufficient helpers. Shifts are short to make it possible to volunteer and enjoy the event too. Discovery parents make our PTSA events a success! We welcome middle and high school students so please reach out by email at askdiscoverymcn@gmail.com to sign up your teen. Please feel free to share this volunteer information with your teen's friends and service groups. 

COUNTRY PRESENTATION: Discovery families are invited to make a tri-fold poster representing their ethnic and cultural background, country, or state of origin or affiliation. Feel free to join with Discovery friends to showcase a tri-fold display. You can offer an activity, provide a craft station, or bring a game from your culture. You can stand by your presentation to share information with families enjoying the displays or you can leave it unattended. 

*Due to the popularity of presentations from India and China, we encourage working together. Please reach out to us to help coordinate regions to avoid duplication.*

BRING FOOD TO SHARE AND ENTER A RAFFLE:  Provide 50 or more bites of food to share with Discovery families. Share a dish that reflects your ethnic or cultural background, country, state of origin or affiliation, or simply one of your family’s favorites. Bring a copy of the recipe with your student's name and grade to display with your dish for the guests to see. Only foods that do not require refrigeration or electricity. Provide food in disposable trays only. Serving spoons will be provided. Volunteers will serve the food so you can enjoy the event and have time to taste the other dishes. As a token of appreciation, all the families who bring in food will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a gift card. Raffle winner will be announced on the PTSA website.

CULTURAL PERFORMANCE: Discovery students are invited to perform a cultural song or dance, solo or in a group on the stage in the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room). Groups are preferred due to limited time slots. Martial arts demonstrations and musical instruments are welcome as well. Performances will be limited to for solo to 1 minute 20 seconds and for group 2 minutes 30 seconds in length to accommodate as many performances as possible.

*PLEASE NOTE: Students may only perform in one performance - solo or group - not both. We need to accommodate opportunity for everyone who wants to perform. 

*If registration is full, please reach out to askdiscoverymcn@gmail.com to be on the waitlist in case of cancellation.*

Questions? Please email askdiscoverymcn@gmail.com

Thank you to Maha, Samiksha, and Vyshnavi for being our lead volunteers planning Multicultural Night!

Discovery PTSA 2.6.9 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

The mission of the Discovery PTSA is to advocate, support and enrich our students with educational programs and community building activities in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and the local community.

Connect with us 
