Our Discovery PTSA website has moved to a new site!

2024-25 School Year Information here!

Find volunteering opportunities, purchase spirit wear, yearbooks and PTSA memberships at https://discoveryptsa.givebacks.com/


PTSA Cares

Discovery's PTSA Cares Program

The PTSA Cares Program at Discovery Elementary was created to provide a helping hand to students who need extra support with basic necessities. The program is a confidential, behind-the-scenes PTSA program made possible by donations from Discovery families; both the donors and the students and families in need remain anonymous. 

How it works?

Any student or family in need are identified through the school. The need of the student or family are sent to the PTSA Cares chair and the chair emails the donors with the items requested. The names and identities are never shared to the PTSA Cares network, only the item(s) in need. The items are purchased by the donor, labeled for the PTSA Cares Program, and then given to the staff at Discovery's front office labeled and the Discovery staff will confidentially give the items to the student or family in need. 

How to receive assistance?

Any Discovery student or family member is encouraged to use the PTSA Cares Program when they find themselves needing additional resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out if there is a need – from a winter jacket to school supplies, a birthday gift, rain boots, bedding, etc. Those seeking need can reach out to any Discovery staff member or contact Principal Kathy Keegan or Counselor Denise Darnell.

How to become a PTSA Cares donor?

PTSA CARES donors make a huge difference in the lives of individual students within our Discovery community. Anyone can become a donor or choose to donate at any time. To be added to the PTSA Cares Program email distribution list, sign up here.

Additional Community Resources:

City of Sammamish - Community Resources

Issaquah School District - Community Resource Directory

City of Issaquah - Community Resources

Family Resource Guide - Issaquah Schools Foundation

Discovery PTSA 2.6.9 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

The mission of the Discovery PTSA is to advocate, support and enrich our students with educational programs and community building activities in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and the local community.

Connect with us 
