Our Discovery PTSA website has moved to a new site! 2024-25 School Year Information here! Find volunteering opportunities, purchase spirit wear, yearbooks and PTSA memberships at https://discoveryptsa.givebacks.com/ |
Share 50 bites of food and enter a raffle!
We invite discovery families to provide 50 or more bites of food to share. Share a dish that reflects your ethnic or cultural background, country, state of origin or affiliation, or simply one of your family’s favorites. Here’s some pointers to help you:
Sign up here!
As a token of appreciation, all the families who bring in food will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a gift card. Raffle winner will be announced on the PTSA website on 04/05/2025.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email at askdiscoverymcn@gmail.com