Our Discovery PTSA website has moved to a new site!

2024-25 School Year Information here!

Find volunteering opportunities, purchase spirit wear, yearbooks and PTSA memberships at https://discoveryptsa.givebacks.com/


Share 50 bites of food and enter a raffle!

We invite discovery families to provide 50 or more bites of food to share. Share a dish that reflects your ethnic or cultural background, country, state of origin or affiliation, or simply one of your family’s favorites. Here’s some pointers to help you:

  1. Please provide food that don’t require refrigeration.
  2. No crockpots / hot plates. Electrical outlets cannot be provided or utilized.
  3. Provide food in disposable containers only.
  4. Bring in a copy of recipe with your student’s name and grade to be displayed with your dish for the guests to see.
  5. Volunteers will serve the food.
  6. Food drop off instructions will be provided later over email.

Sign up here!

As a token of appreciation, all the families who bring in food will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a gift card. Raffle winner will be announced on the PTSA website on 04/05/2025.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email at askdiscoverymcn@gmail.com

Discovery PTSA 2.6.9 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

The mission of the Discovery PTSA is to advocate, support and enrich our students with educational programs and community building activities in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and the local community.

Connect with us 
