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Your Discovery PTSA has voted "YES" to endorsing this levy!

When your ballot arrives, vote "YES" to continue supporting our Issaquah schools.

*Find out who has endorsed the levy AND endorse it yourself. It's easy!*

What to do:

1. Get informed with the fact sheet.

2. Watch the levy video.

3. Attend one of these informational meetings.

4. Watch for your ballot to arrive in your mailbox.

5. Vote "YES" for the levy by Tuesday, February 11th!

6. Tell your friends and family to vote "YES".

Thank you,

Your Discovery PTSA


Discovery PTSA 2.6.9 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

The mission of the Discovery PTSA is to advocate, support and enrich our students with educational programs and community building activities in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and the local community.

Connect with us 
